Physical World and Measurement

(1 customer review)



Author :  Mr. Jasminder Jeet Singh

The author of the book is Mr Jasminder Jeet Singh.  He is the Managing Director of ATAL Academy, Ludhiana.  He has an experience of teaching Physics for more than 25 years.  He has taught in various reputed schools and private educational institutions.

There are 160 pages in the book and is printed in two colours, i.e. red and black.  A lot of stress is laird on diagrams.  The author believes that students can learn more when they see a detailed diagram, then reading the articles.  Numerical application is made simple.  Different kinds of numerical application is solved and then similar unsolved numerical application is given.

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Physical World of Measurement by Jasminder Jeet Singh

This book is for 10+1 science students and covers complete syllabus of electrostatics of CBSE, Punjab Board, Haryana Board and Himachal Board.  The different concepts are explained in a detailed way and by using a simple language.  Main stress is laid on diagrams, which are self explanatory and helps to explain the concept easily.

Syllabus (Contents of the book):

1) Physical World. 

Scientific method, Scope and excitement in Physics, Fundamental forces of nature, Unification of forces.

2) System of units.

Fundamental and derived physical quantities, The international system of units – The SI system,  Definitions of fundamental units,  The multiples and sub-multiples in SI system.

3) Measurement.

Direct and indirect methods of measurement,  Parallax method and its limitations,  Measurement of mass. Measurement of time.

4) Error Analysis.

Absolute error, relative error and percentage error.  Accuracy and precision. Combination of error.  Unsolved numericals on error analysis.

5) Significant Figures.

 Rules to determine significant figures.  Round off a number. Rules for arithmetic operations with significant figures.  Order of magnitude and scientific notation.

6) Dimensional Analysis.

Dimensional formula and dimensional equation.  Principle of homogeneity of equation.  Uses and limitations of dimensions.

1 review for Physical World and Measurement

  1. Jasminder Jeet Singh

    This book is very useful and has made my concepts clear.

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