Oscillations & Waves

(1 customer review)



Author :  Mr. Jasminder Jeet Singh

The author of the book is Mr Jasminder Jeet Singh.  He is the Managing Director of ATAL Academy, Ludhiana.  He has an experience of teaching Physics for more than 25 years.  He has taught in various reputed schools and private educational institutions.

There are 84 pages in the book and is printed in two colours, i.e. black and red.  A lot of stress is laird on diagrams.  The author believes that students can learn more when they see a detailed diagram, then reading the articles.  Numerical application is made simple.  Different kinds of numerical application is solved and then similar unsolved numerical application is given.

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Oscillations and Waves by Jasminder Jeet Singh

This book is for 10+1 science students and covers complete syllabus of electrostatics of CBSE, Punjab Board, Haryana Board and Himachal Board.  The different concepts are explained in a detailed way and by using a simple language.  Main stress is laid on diagrams, which are self explanatory and helps to explain the concept easily.

Syllabus (Contents of the book):

1) Periodic Motion:

 Periodic Motion. Periodic Functions. Oscillatory Motion.

2) Simple Harmonic Motion.

Simple Harmonic Motion.  Graphical representation of simple harmonic motion.  Displacement in simple harmonic motion.  Velocity in simple harmonic motion. Acceleration in simple harmonic motion.  Force acting on a body executing simple harmonic motion.  Energy in simple harmonic motion.  Time period and frequency in simple harmonic motion.  Angular simple harmonic motion.

3) Applications of simple harmonic motion.

Oscillations due to a mass attached to a spring.  Oscillations due to a pendulum.  Effect of change in temperature on the time period of simple pendulum.  When bob of pendulum executing SHM is dipped in a non viscous liquid.  Oscillations of a physical pendulum. Oscillations of a body in a tunnel along the diameter of earth.  Damped simple harmonic motion.  Forced Oscillations.

4) Transverse and Longitudinal waves

Wave motion, mechanical waves, Transverse waves, Longitudinal waves.

5) Progressive waves.

Simple harmonic progressive wave and its expression, Phase and displacement of simple harmonic progressive wave with respect to time and position.  

6) Speed of simple harmonic progressive wave.

Speed of transverse waves in a string.  Speed of longitudinal (sound waves) waves in air, Factors effecting the velocity of sound in air.

7) Principle of superposition of waves.

Principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves from denser and rarer medium, Standing waves, standing waves in string, normal modes of oscillations of a stretched string, organ pipes (open and closed end organ pipes), Beats and Doppler’s effect. 

1 review for Oscillations & Waves

  1. Jasminder Jeet Singh

    This book is very good

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