Online Classes
Online Classes for 10+1 and 10+2
Online classes one to one or one to few for 10+1 and 10+2 students only

Two types of online classes
- One to one online class (individual classes)
- One to few online class (small batches)
Online Course (Phy, Chem, Maths & Bio)
These courses are for those students studying in class 10+1, or 10+2 or droppers. who are staying at far off places and are not able to attend our regular classroom courses. Complete course will be covered online in a virtual classroom. There will be live interaction between the student and the teacher.
Internet classes in a virtual classroom can be held even at a slow speed of about 1 mbps.
Online classes not only saves time in going and coming from the Academy but also enough of energy to do self study at your own place. The ATAL online course not only helps you to prepare for the Boards but also for the competitive entrance examination, whether it is medical entrance or non-medical entrance. The unique course save your time and give you a chance to interact with the best faculty members of our organisation.

One to One Online Tuition
For more details about online one to one online tuition click here.

One to Few Online Tuition
For more details about online one to few online tuition click here.